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2024-10-06 18:19:22 +00:00
:: channels: message stream structures
:: four shapes that cross client-subscriber-publisher boundaries:
:: - actions client-to-subscriber change requests (user actions)
:: - commands subscriber-to-publisher change requests
:: - updates publisher-to-subscriber change notifications
:: - responses subscriber-to-client change notifications
:: --action--> --command-->
:: client subscriber publisher
:: <--response-- <--update--
:: local actions _may_ become responses,
:: remote actions become commands,
:: commands _may_ become updates,
:: updates _may_ become responses.
/- g=tlon-groups, c=tlon-cite
/+ mp=mop-extensions
+| %ancients
++ mar
++ act `mark`%channel-action
++ cmd `mark`%channel-command
++ upd `mark`%channel-update
++ log `mark`%channel-logs
++ not `mark`%channel-posts
+| %primitives
+$ flag (pair ship term)
+$ v-channels (map nest v-channel)
++ v-channel
|^ ,[global local]
:: $global: should be identical between ships
+$ global
$: posts=v-posts
order=(rev order=arranged-posts)
view=(rev =view)
sort=(rev =sort)
perm=(rev =perm)
:: $window: sparse set of time ranges
::TODO populate this
+$ window (list [from=time to=time])
:: .window: time range for requested posts that we haven't received
:: .diffs: diffs for posts in the window, to apply on receipt
+$ future
[=window diffs=(jug id-post u-post)]
:: $local: local-only information
+$ local
$: =net
:: $v-post: a channel post
+$ v-post [v-seal (rev essay)]
+$ id-post time
+$ v-posts ((mop id-post (unit v-post)) lte)
++ on-v-posts ((on id-post (unit v-post)) lte)
++ mo-v-posts ((mp id-post (unit v-post)) lte)
:: $v-reply: a post comment
+$ v-reply [v-reply-seal (rev memo)]
+$ id-reply time
+$ v-replies ((mop id-reply (unit v-reply)) lte)
++ on-v-replies ((on id-reply (unit v-reply)) lte)
++ mo-v-replies ((mp time (unit v-reply)) lte)
:: $v-seal: host-side data for a post
+$ v-seal $+ channel-seal
$: id=id-post
:: $v-reply-seal: host-side data for a reply
+$ v-reply-seal
$: id=id-reply
:: $essay: top-level post, with metadata
+$ essay [memo =kind-data]
:: $reply-meta: metadata for all replies
+$ reply-meta
$: reply-count=@ud
last-repliers=(set ship)
last-reply=(unit time)
:: $kind-data: metadata for a channel type's "post"
+$ kind-data
$% [%diary title=@t image=@t]
[%heap title=(unit @t)]
[%chat kind=$@(~ [%notice ~])]
:: $memo: post data proper
:: content: the body of the comment
:: author: the ship that wrote the comment
:: sent: the client-side time the comment was made
+$ memo
$: content=story
:: $story: post body content
+$ story (list verse)
:: $verse: a chunk of post content
:: blocks stand on their own. inlines come in groups and get wrapped
:: into a paragraph
+$ verse
$% [%block p=block]
[%inline p=(list inline)]
:: $listing: recursive type for infinitely nested <ul> or <ol>
+$ listing
$% [%list p=?(%ordered %unordered %tasklist) q=(list listing) r=(list inline)]
[%item p=(list inline)]
:: $block: post content that sits outside of the normal text
:: %image: a visual, we record dimensions for better rendering
:: %cite: an Urbit reference
:: %header: a traditional HTML heading, h1-h6
:: %listing: a traditional HTML list, ul and ol
:: %code: a block of code
+$ block $+ channel-block
$% [%image src=cord height=@ud width=@ud alt=cord]
[%cite =cite:c]
[%header p=?(%h1 %h2 %h3 %h4 %h5 %h6) q=(list inline)]
[%listing p=listing]
[%rule ~]
[%code code=cord lang=cord]
:: $inline: post content that flows within a paragraph
:: @t: plain text
:: %italics: italic text
:: %bold: bold text
:: %strike: strikethrough text
:: %inline-code: code formatting for small snippets
:: %blockquote: blockquote surrounded content
:: %block: link/reference to blocks
:: %code: code formatting for large snippets
:: %tag: tag gets special signifier
:: %link: link to a URL with a face
:: %break: line break
+$ inline $+ channel-inline
$@ @t
$% [%italics p=(list inline)]
[%bold p=(list inline)]
[%strike p=(list inline)]
[%blockquote p=(list inline)]
[%inline-code p=cord]
[%code p=cord]
[%ship p=ship]
[%block p=@ud q=cord]
[%tag p=cord]
[%link p=cord q=cord]
[%task p=?(%.y %.n) q=(list inline)]
[%break ~]
+$ kind ?(%diary %heap %chat)
:: $nest: identifier for a channel
+$ nest [=kind =ship name=term]
:: $view: the persisted display format for a channel
+$ view $~(%list ?(%grid %list))
:: $sort: the persisted sort type for a channel
+$ sort $~(%time ?(%alpha %time %arranged))
:: $arranged-posts: an array of postIds
+$ arranged-posts (unit (list time))
:: $hidden-posts: a set of ids for posts that are hidden
+$ hidden-posts (set id-post)
:: $post-toggle: hide or show a particular post by id
+$ post-toggle
$% [%hide =id-post]
[%show =id-post]
:: $react: either an emoji identifier like :diff or a URL for custom
+$ react @ta
+$ v-reacts (map ship (rev (unit react)))
:: $scan: search results
+$ scan (list reference)
+$ reference
$% [%post =post]
[%reply =id-post =reply]
:: $said: used for references
+$ said (pair nest reference)
:: $plan: index into channel state
:: p: Post being referred to
:: q: Reply being referred to, if any
+$ plan
(pair time (unit time))
:: $net: subscriber-only state
+$ net [p=ship load=_|]
:: $unreads: a map of channel unread information, for clients
:: $unread: unread data for a specific channel, for clients
:: recency: time of most recent message
:: count: how many posts are unread
:: unread-id: the id of the first unread top-level post
:: threads: for each unread thread, the id of the first unread reply
+$ unreads (map nest unread)
+$ unread
$: recency=time
unread-id=(unit id-post)
threads=(map id-post id-reply)
:: $remark: markers representing unread state
:: last-read: time at which the user last read this channel
:: watching: unused, intended for disabling unread accumulation
:: unread-threads: threads that contain unread messages
+$ remark [recency=time last-read=time watching=_| unread-threads=(set id-post)]
:: $perm: represents the permissions for a channel and gives a
:: pointer back to the group it belongs to.
+$ perm
$: writers=(set sect:g)
:: $log: a time ordered history of modifications to a channel
+$ log ((mop time u-channel) lte)
++ log-on ((on time u-channel) lte)
:: $create-channel: represents a request to create a channel
:: $create-channel is consumed by the channel agent first and then
:: passed to the groups agent to register the channel with the group.
:: Write permission is stored with the specific agent in the channel,
:: read permission is stored with the group's data.
+$ create-channel
$: =kind
readers=(set sect:g)
writers=(set sect:g)
:: $outline: abridged $post
:: .replies: number of comments
+$ outline
[replies=@ud replyers=(set ship) essay]
++ outlines
=< outlines
+$ outlines ((mop time outline) lte)
++ on ((^on time outline) lte)
++ rev
|$ [data]
[rev=@ud data]
++ apply-rev
|* [old=(rev) new=(rev)]
^+ [changed=& old]
?: (lth rev.old rev.new)
++ next-rev
|* [old=(rev) new=*]
^+ [changed=& old]
?: =(+.old new)
&+old(rev +(rev.old), + new)
+| %actions
:: some actions happen to be the same as commands, but this can freely
:: change
::NOTE we might want to add a action-id=uuid to this eventually, threading
:: that through all the way, so that an $r-channels may indicate what
:: originally caused it
+$ a-channels
$% [%create =create-channel]
[%pin pins=(list nest)]
[%channel =nest =a-channel]
[%toggle-post toggle=post-toggle]
+$ a-channel
$% [%join group=flag:g]
[%leave ~]
+$ a-remark
$~ [%read ~]
$% [%read ~]
[%read-at =time]
[%watch ~]
[%unwatch ~]
+$ a-post c-post
+$ a-reply c-reply
+| %commands
+$ c-channels
$% [%create =create-channel]
[%channel =nest =c-channel]
+$ c-channel
$% [%post =c-post]
[%view =view]
[%sort =sort]
[%order order=arranged-posts]
[%add-writers sects=(set sect:g)]
[%del-writers sects=(set sect:g)]
+$ c-post
$% [%add =essay]
[%edit id=id-post =essay]
[%del id=id-post]
[%reply id=id-post =c-reply]
+$ c-reply
$% [%add =memo]
[%edit id=id-reply =memo]
[%del id=id-reply]
+$ c-react
$% [%add-react id=@da p=ship q=react]
[%del-react id=@da p=ship]
+| %updates
+$ update [=time =u-channel]
+$ u-channels [=nest =u-channel]
+$ u-channel
$% [%create =perm]
[%order (rev order=arranged-posts)]
[%view (rev =view)]
[%sort (rev =sort)]
[%perm (rev =perm)]
[%post id=id-post =u-post]
+$ u-post
$% [%set post=(unit v-post)]
[%reacts reacts=v-reacts]
[%essay (rev =essay)]
[%reply id=id-reply =u-reply]
+$ u-reply
$% [%set reply=(unit v-reply)]
[%reacts reacts=v-reacts]
+$ u-checkpoint global:v-channel
+| %responses
+$ r-channels [=nest =r-channel]
+$ r-channel
$% [%posts =posts]
[%post id=id-post =r-post]
[%order order=arranged-posts]
[%view =view]
[%sort =sort]
[%perm =perm]
[%create =perm]
[%join group=flag:g]
[%leave ~]
+$ r-post
$% [%set post=(unit post)]
[%reply id=id-reply =reply-meta =r-reply]
[%reacts =reacts]
[%essay =essay]
+$ r-reply
$% [%set reply=(unit reply)]
[%reacts =reacts]
:: versions of backend types with their revision numbers stripped,
:: because the frontend shouldn't care to learn those.
+$ channels (map nest channel)
++ channel
|^ ,[global local]
+$ global
$: =posts
+$ local
$: =net
+$ paged-posts
$: =posts
newer=(unit time)
older=(unit time)
+$ posts ((mop id-post (unit post)) lte)
+$ post [seal essay]
+$ seal
$: id=id-post
+$ reacts (map ship react)
+$ reply [reply-seal memo]
+$ replies ((mop id-reply reply) lte)
+$ reply-seal [id=id-reply parent-id=id-post =reacts]
++ on-posts ((on id-post (unit post)) lte)
++ on-replies ((on id-reply reply) lte)
+$ cite cite:c