2024-10-06 18:19:22 +00:00

85 lines
2.7 KiB

/- spider, blog
/+ *strandio
=, strand=strand:spider
=, strand-fail=strand-fail:libstrand:spider
^- thread:spider
|= arg=vase
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
;< now=@da bind:m get-time
=/ files-path=path /(scot %p our)/blog/(scot %da now)/import
=/ files=(axal *)
=+ .^(=arch %cy files-path)
?: (test dir.arch ~)
=/ mark
?+ (rear files-path) !!
%md wain
%html @t
%css @t
%noun noun
:- [~ .^(mark %cx files-path)]
(~(urn by dir.arch) |=([name=@ta ~] ^$(files-path (snoc files-path name))))
:- fil.arch
(~(urn by dir.arch) |=([name=@ta ~] ^$(files-path (snoc files-path name))))
=| $= imp
$: pub=(map path [html=@t md=@t theme=@tas])
dra=(map path md=@t)
thm=(map @tas css=@t)
=. imp
=/ all-files ~(tap of files)
?~ all-files imp
%. i.all-files
|= [=path content=*]
%= ^$
all-files t.all-files
?+ (rear path) imp
=+ content=(of-wain:format ((list cord) content))
?: ?=(%published (snag 0 path))
=/ file-name (oust [0 2] (snip path))
=/ file (~(gut by pub.imp) file-name [html='' md='' theme=%default])
imp(pub (~(put by pub.imp) file-name file(md content)))
=/ draft-name (oust [0 1] (snip path))
=/ draft (~(gut by dra.imp) draft-name [md=''])
imp(dra (~(put by dra.imp) draft-name draft(md content)))
=/ theme-name (@tas (rear (oust [0 1] (snip path))))
=/ theme (~(gut by thm.imp) theme-name [css=''])
imp(thm (~(put by thm.imp) theme-name theme(css (@t (@tas content)))))
=/ file-name (oust [0 2] (snip path))
=/ file (~(gut by pub.imp) file-name [html='' md='' theme=%default])
imp(pub (~(put by pub.imp) file-name file(html (@t (@tas content)))))
=/ thm-map ;; (map path @tas)
:: XX is this expecting a folder called 'meta' in the export?
:: there wasn't one when i exported files from ~bonbud-macryg,
:: but that might be because the export process crashed my ship
.^(noun %cx /(scot %p our)/blog/(scot %da now)/import/published/meta/noun)
=/ act |=(=vase [%pass /poke %agent [our %blog] %poke %blog-action vase])
;< ~ bind:m
%- send-raw-cards
%- zing
:~ %+ turn ~(tap by pub.imp)
|= [=path html=@t md=@t theme=@tas]
(act !>([%publish path html md (~(gut by thm-map) path %default)]))
%+ turn ~(tap by dra.imp)
|= [=path md=@t]
(act !>([%save-draft path md]))
%+ turn ~(tap by thm.imp)
|= [theme=@tas css=@t]
(act !>([%save-theme theme css]))
(pure:m !>(~))