
14332 lines
366 KiB
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2024-06-01 08:45:45 +00:00
:: sigil-symbols: svg symbols for phonemes, for use in /lib/sigil
:: the map is keyed by phoneme cords and contains functions for
:: generating lists of manxes based on fore- and background colors,
:: intended to be wrapped up in an svg <g> for further processing.
:: shapes and default attributes sourced from:
::NOTE to reduce svg size, we exclude certain common/shared attributes.
:: we expect the /lib/sigil to wrap these elements in a <g> which sets
:: those attributes, letting them be inherited. they are as follows:
:: =fill fg
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
:: =stroke-width
:: we assume the defaults specified above, and only include those
:: attributes below if they deviate from those. (this includes adding
:: stroke="none" for elements whose original specification did not
:: include a stroke.)
:: unfortunately, the vector-effect attribute cannot be inherted by <g>
:: children, so we have to inline it for every element here.
:: for ease of change, we leave excluded attributes as comments here.
%- ~(gas by *(map cord $-([fg=tape bg=tape] (list manx))))
:- 'bac'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 0C0 70.6925 57.3075 128 128 128V0H0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "-0.0029152"
=x2 "127.983"
=y2 "127.986"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
=cx "16"
=cy "112"
=r "11.5"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
=cx "16"
=cy "112"
=r "9"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'bal'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0.0541 0C70.7217 0.0292317 128 57.3256 128 128C57.3177 128 0.0164917 70.7089 7.62806e-06 0.0305091C7.62851e-06 0.0203397 -4.44317e-10 0.01017 0 0H0.0541Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
=x1 "0.5"
=y1 "-0.5"
=x2 "181.5"
=y2 "-0.5"
=transform "matrix(-0.707107 0.707107 0.707107 0.707107 128.71 0)"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=x1 "128"
=y1 "32.0072"
=x2 "32.7071"
=y2 "127.3"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=x1 "128"
=y1 "64.0072"
=x2 "64.7071"
=y2 "127.3"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=x1 "128"
=y1 "96.0072"
=x2 "96.7071"
=y2 "127.3"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
:- 'ban'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 0C0 70.6925 57.3075 128 128 128V0H0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M128 0C128 70.6924 70.6924 128 -1.52588e-05 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bar'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;circle
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "64"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M-0.00292969 0L127.997 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "16"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'bat'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 0C0 70.6925 57.3075 128 128 128V0H0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M128 0C128 35.3462 99.3462 64 64 64C28.6538 64 0 35.3462 0 0"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bec'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M128 128C128 57.3076 70.6925 6.18013e-06 1.11901e-05 0L0 128L128 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M-0.00280762 0L127.997 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=fill-rule "evenodd"
=clip-rule "evenodd"
=stroke "none"
=d "M80 64C80 72.8366 72.8366 80 64 80C55.1634 80 48 72.8366 48 64C48 55.1634 55.1634 48 64 48C72.8366 48 80 55.1634 80 64ZM64 72C68.4183 72 72 68.4183 72 64C72 59.5817 68.4183 56 64 56C59.5817 56 56 59.5817 56 64C56 68.4183 59.5817 72 64 72Z"
=fill bg;
:- 'bel'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 127.946C0.0292286 57.2783 57.3256 3.08928e-06 128 0C128 70.6823 70.7089 127.984 0.0305092 128C0.0203397 128 0.01017 128 2.36469e-09 128L0 127.946Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "32"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'ben'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;rect
=width "128"
=height "128"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "8"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=cx "32"
=cy "64"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "32"
=cy "64"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'bep'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M128 0C57.3075 8.42999e-07 -8.42999e-07 57.3075 0 128H128V0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M128 64C92.6538 64 64 92.6538 64 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'ber'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M64 128H0L5.59506e-06 0L64 5.59506e-06C99.3462 8.68512e-06 128 28.6538 128 64C128 99.3462 99.3462 128 64 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M96 0L96 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bes'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M128 128C128 57.3076 70.6925 6.18013e-06 1.11901e-05 0L0 128L128 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M64 128C64 92.6538 35.3462 64 0 64"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M-0.00280762 0L127.997 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
:- 'bet'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;circle
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "64"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "16.0036"
=y1 "15.9965"
=x2 "48.0036"
=y2 "47.9965"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bex'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M64 128H0L5.59506e-06 0L64 5.59506e-06C99.3462 8.68512e-06 128 28.6538 128 64C128 99.3462 99.3462 128 64 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "16.0036"
=y1 "15.9965"
=x2 "48.0036"
=y2 "47.9965"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=fill-rule "evenodd"
=clip-rule "evenodd"
=stroke "none"
=d "M80 64C80 72.8366 72.8366 80 64 80C55.1634 80 48 72.8366 48 64C48 55.1634 55.1634 48 64 48C72.8366 48 80 55.1634 80 64ZM64 72C68.4183 72 72 68.4183 72 64C72 59.5817 68.4183 56 64 56C59.5817 56 56 59.5817 56 64C56 68.4183 59.5817 72 64 72Z"
=fill bg;
:- 'bic'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 0C0 70.6925 57.3075 128 128 128V0H0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M128 96C74.9807 96 32 53.0193 32 -4.19629e-06"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bid'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 0C0 70.6925 57.3075 128 128 128V0H0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M32 0C32 70.6925 74.9807 128 128 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M128 64L0 64"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bil'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M64 0H128V128H64C28.6538 128 0 99.3462 0 64C0 28.6538 28.6538 0 64 0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "80.0035"
=y1 "79.9965"
=x2 "112.004"
=y2 "111.997"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=fill-rule "evenodd"
=clip-rule "evenodd"
=stroke "none"
=d "M80 64C80 72.8366 72.8366 80 64 80C55.1634 80 48 72.8366 48 64C48 55.1634 55.1634 48 64 48C72.8366 48 80 55.1634 80 64ZM64 72C68.4183 72 72 68.4183 72 64C72 59.5817 68.4183 56 64 56C59.5817 56 56 59.5817 56 64C56 68.4183 59.5817 72 64 72Z"
=fill bg;
:- 'bin'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;rect
=width "128"
=height "128"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
:- 'bis'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 0C0 70.6925 57.3075 128 128 128V0H0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "128"
=y1 "64"
=x2 "-8.87604e-09"
=y2 "64"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=x1 "128"
=y1 "96"
=x2 "-8.87604e-09"
=y2 "96"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=x1 "128"
=y1 "32"
=x2 "-8.87604e-09"
=y2 "32"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bit'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0.0541 0C70.7217 0.0292317 128 57.3256 128 128C57.3177 128 0.0164917 70.7089 7.62806e-06 0.0305091C7.62851e-06 0.0203397 -4.44317e-10 0.01017 0 0H0.0541Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M128 0L0 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'bol'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;circle
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "64"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=cx "64"
=cy "64"
=r "48"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=x1 "128"
=y1 "64"
=x2 "-4.37114e-08"
=y2 "64"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bon'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M128 0C57.3075 8.42999e-07 -8.42999e-07 57.3075 0 128H128V0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M128 128C92.6538 128 64 99.3462 64 64C64 28.6538 92.6538 4.215e-07 128 0"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bor'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M64 0H128V128H64C28.6538 128 0 99.3462 0 64C0 28.6538 28.6538 0 64 0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "-0.0029152"
=x2 "127.983"
=y2 "127.986"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=d "M0 128C4.63574e-06 92.6489 14.3309 60.6449 37.5 37.4807"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M32 128C32 101.492 42.7436 77.4939 60.1138 60.1217"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M64 128C64 110.328 71.1626 94.3287 82.7432 82.7471"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M95.6284 128C95.6284 119.164 99.2097 111.164 105 105.374"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'bos'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 0C0 70.6925 57.3075 128 128 128V0H0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "-0.0029152"
=x2 "127.983"
=y2 "127.986"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'bot'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M64 0H128V128H64C28.6538 128 0 99.3462 0 64C0 28.6538 28.6538 0 64 0Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=x1 "32"
=y1 "2.18557e-08"
=x2 "32"
=y2 "128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=cx "32"
=cy "96"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "32"
=cy "96"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "32"
=cy "32"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'bud'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M128 128C128 57.3076 70.6925 6.18013e-06 1.11901e-05 0L0 128L128 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M16 64C16 90.5097 37.4903 112 64 112"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=cx "16"
=cy "64"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "16"
=cy "64"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'bur'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M5.59506e-06 128C70.6925 128 128 70.6925 128 0L0 5.59506e-06L5.59506e-06 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M7.37542e-06 -3.56072e-06C1.19529e-06 70.6924 57.3075 128 128 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M128 0L0 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
:- 'bus'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M128 128C128 57.3076 70.6925 6.18013e-06 1.11901e-05 0L0 128L128 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M32 128C32 110.327 17.6731 96 0 96"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M-0.00292969 0L127.997 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
:- 'byl'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M5.59506e-06 128C70.6925 128 128 70.6925 128 0L0 5.59506e-06L5.59506e-06 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=cx "16"
=cy "112"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "16"
=cy "112"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
=d "M-0.00280762 0L127.997 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=d "M22.1288 22.6299C16.0075 28.7511 8.0234 31.874 0.00134547 31.9986M44.7562 45.2573C32.3866 57.6269 16.2133 63.8747 0.00134277 64.0005M67.3836 67.8847C48.7656 86.5027 24.403 95.8749 0.00134412 96.0012"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'byn'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M5.59506e-06 128C70.6925 128 128 70.6925 128 0L0 5.59506e-06L5.59506e-06 128Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M128 0C128 35.3511 113.669 67.3551 90.5 90.5193"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M96 0C96 26.5077 85.2564 50.5061 67.8862 67.8783"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M64 0C64 17.6721 56.8374 33.6713 45.2568 45.2529"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
=d "M32.3716 0C32.3716 8.83603 28.7903 16.8356 23 22.6264"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
=fill "none";
:- 'byr'
|= [fg=tape bg=tape]
:~ ;path
=d "M0 127.946C0.0292286 57.2783 57.3256 3.08928e-06 128 0C128 70.6823 70.7089 127.984 0.0305092 128C0.0203397 128 0.01017 128 2.36469e-09 128L0 127.946Z"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "0.5"
=d "M-0.00280762 0L127.997 128"
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-linecap "square"
=fill "none";
=cx "48"
=cy "80"
=r "11.5"
:: =fill fg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke"
=stroke fg;
=cx "48"
=cy "80"
=r "9"
=fill bg
=vector-effect "non-scaling-stroke";
:: =stroke bg
:: =stroke-width "2"
:- 'byt'
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