2024-06-27 11:44:31 +07:00

194 lines
5.2 KiB

/- sur=forum, tp=post
/+ lib=forum, sr=sortug
/= comps /web/components/components
/= pt /web/components/post-text
|_ [ted=thread:sur comment-list=(list full-node:tp) =bowl:gall]
++ body
?: ?=(%link -.content.ted)
;+ link-body
(content:pt +.content.ted)
++ link-body
?> ?=(%link -.content.ted)
=/ url (trip +.content.ted)
=url url
++ comments
;* %+ turn comment-list mini-thread
++ mini-thread
=| nested=@ud
|= fn=full-node:tp ^- manx
;+ (comment p.fn)
;+ (grandchildren fn +(nested))
++ grandchildren |= [fn=full-node:tp nested=@ud]
=/ pid [author.p.fn id.p.fn]
?~ children.fn ;span;
?: (gth nested 5) (show-more pid)
=/ children (tap:form:tp children.fn)
=/ mtf mini-thread
;* %+ turn children |= [p=pid:tp fnc=full-node:tp]
(mtf(nested nested) fnc)
++ show-more |= =pid:tp
=/ pids (scow:sr %uw (jam pid))
=pid pids
; Show more
++ comment |= c=comment:tp
=/ pid [author.c id.c]
=/ pids (scow:sr %uw (jam pid))
;+ (post-metadata:comps pid now.bowl votes.c ~(wyt in children.c) .n)
;* (content:pt contents.c)
++ $
=/ op (scow %p
=/ op-ago (post-date-ago:lib now.bowl %yau)
=/ pids (scow:sr %uw (jam pid.ted))
;a.return-link/"/forum":"Return to forum"
;+ (post-metadata:comps pid.ted now.bowl votes.ted (lent replies.ted) .y)
;h1#thread-title:"{(trip title.ted)}"
;* body
;div#comment-prompt.cp:"add a comment"
;div#composer-proper(hidden "")
;+ (reply-composer:comps pids .y)
;+ comments
++ reply-script ^~ %- trip
function replyToggle(){
const el = document.getElementById("comment-prompt");
if (!el) return
const form = document.getElementById("composer-proper");
if (!form) return
el.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
form.hidden = !form.hidden;
async function voting(){
const upbs = document.querySelectorAll(".upvote-button");
const downbs = document.querySelectorAll(".downvote-button");
for (let upb of upbs){
const parent = upb.closest(".meta");
if (!parent) continue;
const pid = parent.getAttribute("pid");
const teds = parent.getAttribute("ted");
const postType = (teds && teds === "yeah") ? "ted" : "com"
if (!pid) continue;
upb.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const res = await fetch(`/forum/vote/${postType}/${pid}/gud`, {method: "POST"});
console.log(res, "res");
const t = await res.text();
console.log(t, "t")
for (let db of downbs){
const parent = db.closest(".meta");
if (!parent) continue;
const pid = parent.getAttribute("pid");
if (!pid) continue;
const teds = parent.getAttribute("ted");
const postType = (teds && teds === "yeah") ? "ted" : "com"
db.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const res = await fetch(`/forum/vote/${postType}/${pid}/bad`, {method: "POST"});
console.log(res, "res");
const t = await res.text();
console.log(t, "t")
++ og-script ^~ %- trip
async function run(){
const urlEl = document.getElementById("og");
const url = urlEl.getAttribute("url");
if (!url) return
const res = await fetch(url);
const text = await res.text();
getMeta(url, text);
} catch(e){
async function callThread(url){
console.log(url, "calling thread")
const opts = {
credentials: 'include',
accept: '*',
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(url),
headers: {
'Content-type': "application/json"
const res = await fetch("/kumo/ustj/json/proxy/json", opts);
const text = await res.json();
getMeta(url, text);
} catch(e){
console.log(e, "wtf")
function getMeta(url, s){
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(s, "text/html");
console.log(doc, "document")
const metaTags = doc.querySelectorAll("meta");
for (let tag of metaTags){
const name = tag.getAttribute("name");
const prop = tag.getAttribute("property");
const cont = tag.getAttribute("content");
const isImage = (name && name.includes("image") || (prop && prop.includes("image")))
if (isImage){
setImage(url, cont);
function setImage(base, path){
console.log([base, path], "bp")
const url = path.includes("http") ? path : (base + path);
console.log("setting image", url);
const el = document.getElementById("link-image");
console.log(el, "el");
el.src = url;